
When I was 10 years old, my grandmother revealed that we are direct descendants of two Pilgrim families that came to America on the Mayflower in 1620. This blog represents my genealogy research frenzy ever since that moment.

  • Every week, I post a genealogy article with research tips for you, accompanied by personal stories, experiences, and ideas.

I graduated from Duke University with a History and Psychology double-major in May 2023. I have long been looking for a fun way to record and share the genealogical stories I’ve found over the years, so writing on Substack seemed like a great opportunity. I hope you enjoy reading them!

If you’re new, check out my three favorite weekly posts so far.

  1. A 14 Generation Family Tree Mural In My Dorm at Duke

  2. Stumbling Across a Long-Lost Family Heirloom on eBay

  3. The Sawmill Accident That Claimed My Great-Great-Grandfather’s Right Arm — And How I Found Out About It

  4. Becoming a Genealogist at Age 10, published by Vita Brevis

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Jack Palmer graduated from Duke University with a double-major in History and Psychology in 2023. I’ve done genealogy research since I was 10 and love writing about it for family, friends, and anybody else who might enjoy a blast from the past.

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Genealogy tips, advice, and stories every week!